Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

john took mike, tom and sarah camping in shenendoah for 3 days. madeline had babysitting obligations and i had puppy obligations, so the four of them took off for a short break. here they are, making the requisite s'mores by the campfire. excuse the grainy photo, but they couldn't find the digital camera before they left (probably in the drawer with the ever-missing nail clippers and scissors), so they bought a throw away camera in the park.

the falls

the falls
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

a quick hike to the falls after setting up camp. of course, they had to climb the falls, without mom there to caution them.

first day of hiking

first day of hikingjpg
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

hiking up bear fence on day 2.

top of old rag

top of old rag
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

the last day, they climbed old rag- an 8 mile round trip hike with an elevation change of 3.000 ft each way. needless to say, all were quite tired when they got home, but they had a fabulous time together!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

ready to go

ready to go
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

the car is finally packed and we are ready to take sarah to college. seems like only a few years ago she learned to take her first steps- and now , here we are....

madeline helps out

madeline helps out
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

madeline helps make the bed,trying to figure out a way to brighten up the room. sarah vetoes the idea of walls painted hot pink with white polka dots. tara, sarah's roommate, will be pleased.

sarah sets up

sarah sets up
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

sarah tries to set up her room and is very patient with the shenanigans of her 3 brothers.

room is done

room is done
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

sarah's room is set up, the computer is functioning and she is chomping at the bit for us to leave. we are more reluctant, but know we must capitulate. we will really miss her!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

goodbye winston

goodbye winston
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

arin takes winston home to live with her family- mom, dad and brother, adam. we are left with a quiet puppyless house. duffy and i are depressed together. john has taken mike, tom and sarah camping for a few days- they will feel the loss upon their return. we have had quite an adventure raising these puppies and have enjoyed each step of the way. we are so pleased to have found such wonderful homes for each of them!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

john and rufus

john and rufus
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

well, i am happy to say that john has totally fallen in love with the 4 guys- even sad to see them go. here are john and rufus out for a midnight romp.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

good bye cozmo

good bye cozmo
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

mike and tom say good bye to cozmo. fortunately, cozmo will be only 10 minutes away, so we can see him often.

Friday, August 19, 2005

flipflop loving rufus

flipflop loving rufus
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

rufus enjoys a flip-flop. no political implications intended.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

well, all good things must come to an end... and so we say goodbye to harry before he leaves on his flight to chicago. we will all miss him- especially mike and tom. we know that paul will love him as we do though.

mike and the pink panther

mike and the pink panther
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

mike giggling his way through the pink panther.

tom and the pink panther

tom and the pink panther
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

tom is watching the pink panther for the first time. needless to say, they both were in hysterics for the hour and a half. a fun way to spend a rainy day!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

cleaned up cozmo

cleaned up cozmo
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

it was bath day today- a cleaned up cozmo on tom's lap.

cleaned up harry

cleaned up harry
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

harry, all clean.

cleaned up rufusJPG

cleaned up rufusJPG
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

rufus, all clean and fluffy

cleaned up winston,jpg

cleaned up winston,jpg
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

tom holds winston after his bath.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

cozmo poses

cozmo poses
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

cozmo cooperatively poses for a photo.

rufus poses

rufus poses
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

roofus ,too, cooperatively poses for a photo. i think the secret is to take them out right after their nap when they are too tired to realize that they are free to run around.

sarah and pups

sarah and pups
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

sarah's face tells all when she realizes that the puppies are wet and they haven't had a bath.

daniel and cozmoJPG

daniel and cozmoJPG
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

cozmo meets daniel, 13 months, from next door.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

rainy day

rainy day
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

a rainy day scene to warm a mother's heart.
sarah, madeline, tom and mike play a rousing game of b.s.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

will and tom

will and tom
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

the joys of having an older brother- who else would help you walk on the ceiling?


Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

mike, as usual, is oblivious, immersed in a book.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Pups 6.5 weeksJPG

Pups 6.5 weeksJPG
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

it is almost impossible to get them togehter in one place, but this picture is the result of our valiant efforts. rufus, winston, harry and cozmo at 6.5 weeks.

Friday, August 05, 2005

may and friends

may and friends
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

may is visiting from japan! madeline flew to japan over spring break and had a fabulous time with may and her family- now may is back in rockville for a few weeks. madeline,may,dana and emily get together to do what 14 year old girls do- shop at the mall and then have a sleepover.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

it's too hot out here

Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

the pups have had their first taste of washington summers and have decided that it is far too hot outside- they want in!