Originally uploaded by funnkds5.
sarah congratulates tom on a great swim.
Life with five exuberant kids, two big dogs and a very kind, patient husband
mike and tom are attempting to hold the puppies.
rufus, harry, winston and oliver are now 10 days old. our adorable bundles are starting to become more vocal and mobile- even starting to resemble dogs.
duffy and her pups. she has been such a devoted and concerned mother- puts many humans i know to shame.
a 4 a.m. delivery for duffy. our first puppy is a male weighing 15 ounces. duffy did an amazing job with delivery!
another male. he weighs in at 16 ounces. his right ear has a black patch.
yet another male. he weighs 17 ounces. still wet from mama's licking
our final little guy weighed in at 16 ounces. all in all, a successful morning!
mike and tom have finally come of age- joining summer swim team fun. they just finished their first 25. across the pool in just under 30 seconds.
wasn't pretty, but they made it.
madeline (far left) lounges with amy, natasha,allie and lauren between races.
sarah graduated today- a very happy girl! madeline albreit gave the commencement address and she was spectacular-humorous,poignant and wise. a wonderful event!
sarah and i went for one of our favorite rides- through the farmland, over the potomac via white's ferry and into leesburg. here is the General Jubal Early ferry, named for that famous confederate general. just a bit of a reminder that we are below the mason-dixon line.
on the stairs of laura's house they pose for the doting parents and then quickly make their getaways in limos.
well, sarah looks a bit more done up than usual. no baggy t-shirt and pajama pants for prom- but will people recognize her???
sarah has always wanted to ride in a limo! here she is with clare and jeff.