halloween 06
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.
mike and tom as thing1 and thing2 for halloween.
i love these costumes- cute, quick and easy!
Life with five exuberant kids, two big dogs and a very kind, patient husband
mike and tom as thing1 and thing2 for halloween.
i love these costumes- cute, quick and easy!
a flurry of activity the night before halloween. finishing costumes, carving pumpkins.
since i don't sew- the task falls to john- finishing the Thing1 and Thing 2 costumes for mike and tom.
he is a good husband!
mike and tom prep the pumpkins for the big carving extravaganza.
john does the handiwork to mike and tom's specifications. Mike and tom oversee to ensure quality control.
Well, for the first time in our lives, we are slightly ahead of the game. 4 of our 7 pumpkins are carved before Halloween night- this is unheard of in our family of procrastinators.
We are getting ready to travel to Connecticut for my mom's 75th surprise birthday party. This is Will's version of helping to get ready.
Have football, will travel.
john and sue getting ready to read our clever toast to mom.
homework time at the caseys.
we don't seem to have gotten that whole work/study skills bit.
nothing like doing a bit of weightlifting with the left hand while the right hand is doing math problems.
a new family tradition (thanks for the idea goes to our lovely friend, ursula epstein, who recently passed away)- every sunday evening we cook a huge pot of something delicious and the big kids come over with friends (whoever is in the mood) for a good meal and lively discussion. this sunday will and bob appeared and enjoyed fantastic white chili as well as the amazing entertainment provided by the younger brothers. it is good to see the older kids and sit around discussing politics,school,jobs,life etc-of course, politics reigns supreme in our household as a topic for discussion. lenghty discourses on the absurdity of the current administration peppered with quotes from " the daily show".