Tuesday, April 17, 2007

This Great Nation of Ours

How many deaths will it take to convince our government to pass gun control laws?

I can not imagine the profound sorrow of the families affected by the Virginia Tech killings. My heart goes out to them.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Passover '07

This year was a youthful Passover with kids outnumbering adults 4:1 (sorry Will,Dan, Melanie,Bob and Danielle- you are still kids from our perspective). But, the older kids have finally reached the point of no longer dying of embarassment when we sing "If I Had A Hammer" and were even seen singing along with their aging hippie parents.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Weekend

A snowy surprise on a spring Saturday morning.
Tom took these pictures- enjoying his new self-designated role of family photographer.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Cherry Blossom Time

Took the boys downtown to see the FDR Memorial in cherry blossom season. I had forgotten what traffic is like during the peak week of flowering. But we had a great time in spite of the crowds. Their comments about FDR went something along these lines... "wow, he is like the polar opposite of george bush". so true.