Monday, May 14, 2007

The Fondest of Memories

This weekend we lost a guiding light in our lives.

John's mother passed away on Saturday night after a long struggle to recover from a knee replacement operation.

She taught us about simple pleasures in life. She was never too busy to find an opportunity to sit and read to the children, watch a movie with them or find a topic they loved to talk about. Time stood still when she was present. She felt no compulsion to be a slave to the dailiness of life, choosing rather to invest her time in what she treasured most- her family and her love of books and music.

Mary's generosity was boundless- she would spend an entire day in the bookstore looking for just the right book to bring to a friend or family member. And it was always the perfect choice. When she came to visit, she would come with an entire car full of groceries and clothing- as if we lived in the wilderness, not the suburbs of Washington DC. And she had the insight to know just what it was that each of her children/grandchildren needed. If it was time, not money- then time was what she gave. If it was space, not advice that was required- she gave room to think. Mothering was instinctive for Mary. Her love was, and still is, unconditional.

Mary, you gave us more than you could know. Each step of the way, as we go through our lives, we will remember your love.

Mothers Day

The kids kicked me out of the kitchen and created this masterpiece for Mothers Day.

Not only was it beautiful, but delicious too!