Friday, July 28, 2006

Tux shopping with twin 8 year old boys

is an exercise in frustration.

yesterday, we had to go pick up the tuxedos for the boys for saturday's wedding. i, in some delusional state, allotted ten minutes for this errand.
we arrived at the store and the boys were immediately drawn to the sensor that rings every time someone enters the store, drawn to it like moths to a light, and completely incapable of leaving it alone until they had figured out EVERY possible angle to its functioning. did it ring when you leapt over it? at all angles? all heights? how many times in a row woulld it ring? how close together could the rings sound? etc etc. and all this while we discovered that they had mismeasured each boy and the jacket sleeves ended at their elbows but the 100% polyester shirts were large enough to make up for that, as those hung down 3 inches below their hands.
it took about 30 minutes to call the company and have the correct (we hope) sizes ordered to be picked up in new jersey today, as we are on our way to the horse farm for the wedding.
and all the while, the ringing fun. not to mention the three mannequins that were knocked over by my little scientists trying to investigate whether their over vigorous leaps could trick the sensor.

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