Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Listen Up, George!

There was not a whole lot of gray in the results of last night, so King George should probably be able to understand what the American public had to say yesterday at the polls!
I am so happy that finally, after 6 very long years, people have come to see the current administration for what it is, a group of good ol' boys look out for themselves, thier cronies and their collective wealth. Folks who make no attempt understand the complexities of human nature, let alone the interactions between individuals or groups.
For George, in his mind, not much had changed since his Skull and Bones days at Yale, when he could swagger around campus, intimidating others with his wealth and postion- only his campus had become larger over the years.
But now there is hope that his fearmongering,simplistic,self absorbed ways will be stopped.
Thank you, America!

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