Sunday, January 28, 2007

Math Was Never My Strength

I have spent the last week trying to get an answer from our local school system, Montgomery County Public Schools, regarding the implementaion of their grading policy. It seems to me to be a flawed system that produces invalid grades, but math was never my strong suit and I was looking for an explanation. I could not get an answer that made sense- the only answer I heard was "it's the policy". Not particularly satisfactory.
So today I emailed my concerns to Jay Mathews, education reporter of The Washington Post. He is going to ask MCPS the same questions I have been asking- perhaps he will be able to get a more satisfactory response.
I have spent hours on the phone with this issue, and John keeps shaking his head and muttering something about chasing windmills and I keep reminding him that "foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds". Thank you Emerson.

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