Monday, November 06, 2006

where have the years gone?

happy birthday will and sarah
Originally uploaded by funnkds5.

23 and 19, it doesn't seem possible.
it seems like only a few years ago that i was swinging will to the moon on that swing john hung so high up in the huge backyard oak tree. i turned around and now he has a real job as an economist with the bureau of labor statistics, lives in his own apartment and " looks forward to coming least until i get here and remember how insane it all is".
and sarah.... i can still see the look of wonder and joy on her face as she first learned to string steps together, walking across the whole dining room at the rusty scupper in philadelphia. so fiercely independent from birth, she seems to be tempering it a bit in her old age- enjoying her time at home- a respite from dorm life.

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