Friday, January 05, 2007

Churchill High School Incident

A troubling incident occurred yesterday at a local high school in Potomac.
Potomac is like Lake Woebegone, where all children are above average, perhaps even exceptional.
But two days ago, five kids at Churchill had a rumble on the front steps, a fist fight, that injured several of the involved kids and a security guard. Apparently, these tensions have been building over the last few months and the principal had brought in the parents, the kids, police specializing in gang activity etc. to try and work things out.
The rumble was of concern, and I have no doubt that the students will be appropriately punished. However, what is of more concern to me, is the note that was sent home from the principal, classifying this incident as "black on black violence". Since when is violence color coded? What is that meant to infer? The good white folk of Potomac can still sleep easy? If this incident had occured on the steps of a DC high school, would it even have made the news? Isn't it this "we"/"they" mentality that begets this violence? Sometimes, it seems that we have made precious little progress in the whole race relations area.

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